When you have a financial emergency or simply need a quick boost to your finances, the last thing you need is endless tiring queues. As if that is not enough, you find yourself faced with mountains of paperwork; which you have to read closely for fine print, and risk a dilapidating cramp to your writing hand.
Capfin loans, in partnership with PEP Stores South Africa, bring you a loans facility designed to take out the hassle out of loan application, suited for the PEP customer, South Africans. The two institutions have combined their services to produce a product that mirrors their individual qualities; efficiency, simplicity and trustworthiness.
How ro apply for a Capfin Loan
To apply with Capfin, you do not need sheaths of documents and their certified copies, you just have to bring along your valid current South African ID. You must also have a cell-phone and a working bank account where your salary is deposited into monthly.
Record response time from Capfin loans is guaranteed as you will receive the first correspondence from their team within 30 minutes to acknowledge e receipt of your application. Then thereafter, you will receive a call from a qualified consultant who will assist you through the application by going through a number of details and explaining the terms and conditions.
If your application is approved, the cash will be available and paid into your bank account within 2 days.

Capfin loan application process
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Please contact me to see if I do qualify for loan. In actual fact is it a matter of me simply walking into a Pep store for credit,
I have applied for a Capfin loan on the 29th March 2016. A consultant called me and we got cut off I called back and the consultant tried to assist me until my airtime was exhausted. I informed the consultant that my airtime is exhausted and asked if she can call me back, she said if we get cut off a consultant will call me shortly. Please help.
Jane Molekwa
I already have an account with Capfin but I need to access more cash please.