Cash Loans Now

Cash Loans Now will take care of financial needs that confront you today. In everything money is important. Tough days don’t need to last forever. Cash Loans Now will assist you with credit instantly.


Cash Loans Now is a credit provider resisted with the National Credit Regulator (NCR). Life always has money related moments. Cash needs can crop up when you least expect them. What happens when there is little cash in your bank account? There are options for your credit requirement needs so that you don’t have to stress or go to a high intensity interest rate.


Cash Loans Now knows that when you are in a crisis you need money now. The solution is to provide you with quick access to money. You have two options for loans. Personal loans and payday loans. The amount of personal loan is R500 to R4 000. Interest on the loan is not over priced but reasonable. Cash needs are too many to mention. However the most common are needs for medical costs, fixing a car, long distance travel for ceremonies like weddings or funerals. This may be you, the loan has no regulation to what it can be used for. Payday loan is another financial solution starting from R500 to R4 000. It is in line with your salary, when you get paid at the end of the month, you simply pay it off. The interest rate is competitive on payday loan. Small cash needs that arise days before month end can be answered by this loan.


  • Small loans from R500 to R4 000 can be accessed.
  • Fast processing of documents.
  • Interest rates affordable and easy to pay.
  • Registered with the National Credit Regulator (NCR).


Applications are open for all South Africans. You must be living in the country. NCR stipulates that all applicants must be 18 years and older. Work and earning R3 000 is a requirement so that you can pay off the loan. All applications are processed for verification. Your documents will go for assessment to determine if you measure up to get the loan. You will need the following with you:

  • A working cell phone number.
  • A South African Identity Document (ID book or Card).
  • Banking details, account where your salary is deposited into.
  • Last three months bank statements.
  • Produce the latest pay slips.
  • Provide a proof of residential address.

Obtaining the loan is this easy. With Cash Loans Now your application takes precedence. Cash is in your hands before 24 hours is up. The loan is paid back through a bank debit order on the day your choice.


For more details on obtaining the loan you can visit Cash Loans Now during office hours (9am to 5pm). You can ask all the questions you have to a consultant. You can also visit the store for loan application. Do remember to bring with you all the documentation.

Shop No: 3B – Westgreen Mall Jan Smuts Avenue Greenfields EAST LONDON 5201
Phone Number 043 736 6455

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