My Little loan experience is made for credit seekers. If you need to buy something within the next 24 hours or just need cash fast? You can be assured that you will find assistance.
My Little loan is a credit provider applying modern methods to loan you cash. The process is up to date. Waiting in long lines is a no-no. All you have to do is go online for an application. The credit provider is about getting you money you need. The advantage of applying on line is that the internet is 24/7. You can apply for a loan late at night. In less than 24 hours you will be contacted and money transferred to you when you qualify.
My Little Loan as a credit lender provides you with loans that start at R500 up to R3000. The repayment ranges from 14 days to 60 days. Small loan of R500 is subject to 30 days payback time or less. The R3 000 loan can be replayed within a time frame of 6 months. The choice is yours. However you can agree to settle the loan before 6 months. Interest rate is at 3% per month, with a maximum 36%APR. There is a service fee charged upon every loan. Best way to use small loans is to utilize such for little emergencies or cover an immediate financial need.
- Quick small loans.
- Flexible repayments on big loan.
- Have cash in your bank account in about 24 hours.
- Registered with National Credit Regulator.
What do you need for application? You have to be employed full time before you can place your application. Your monthly salary must be the right amount to make payment in time. You must be 18 years or older. All applicants must be living in South Africa. The information you give will be checked and go through a verification process. You will need the following documents upon application.
- A legit working cell phone number for contact purposes.
- A South African Identity Document (ID book or Card).
- Banking details, a bank account where your salary is deposited into.
- Last three months bank statements.
- Produce the latest pay slips.
- Have proof of residential address.
As mentioned before, the loan processing is done within fast. Your cash will be in your bank within 24 hours. If you successfully pay 3 loans within the given time you will qualify for a bigger loan. The size of the loan will be based on your salary and affordability. It’s important to pay in time or R60 service fee and arrears will be added to the loan. This will affect your credit score, making it hard to get a loan with traditional lending companies or open a clothing account.
For more information you can call My Little loan during office hours or send through an email. All your questions and concerns will be answered.
Phone Number : (072) 297 7657
Pelargonium Road
Magalieskruin,Pretoria, Gauteng
South Africa,
Office Hours: Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM